Written by: Temiloluwa Jokotola

Getting Started with DBCode

A Visual Studio Code (VSCode) extension that brings database management capabilities directly into your code editor.

Welcome to the world of DBCode, a powerful tool for Visual Studio Code (VSCode) that brings database management capabilities directly into your code editor. DBCode is designed to enhance your SQL development experience by providing a rich set of features and tools tailored for database management and development. With DBCode, you can seamlessly connect to your databases, execute SQL queries, manipulate data, and visualize your results, without leaving the familiar VSCode environment. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of getting started with DBCode, setting up your environment, and exploring some of its key features.

Key features of DBCode

View and Edit

DBCode allows you to filter and categorize your data in a few clicks. This feature helps users to perform complex operations quickly, enhancing overall efficiency. You can also create and update operations without writing SQL queries. With this feature, users can manage their data intuitively reducing the need for manual SQL scripting. You can further verify changes before applying them to ensure that mistakes are minimized, providing an additional layer of security against unintended data modifications.

Custom SQL

With DBCode, you can write and execute your SQL queries without switching to another database tool. This seamless integration keeps your workflow uninterrupted. Having SQL execution capabilities within VSCode saves time and enhances productivity as you do not need to export data or import results from external applications. Immediate feedback and results are also provided within the VSCode environment, allowing for quick testing of SQL queries.

Inline SQL Help

Inline help offers instant access to custom SQL keywords and syntax, reducing the need to reference external documentation frequently. Tailored suggestions based on the specific database engine ensure that you receive relevant and accurate guidance. This feature accelerates the coding process by providing contextual help, leading to fewer errors and faster development.

Entity Relationship Diagrams

This DBCode feature allows you to visually map and understand the relationship between different entities in your database, which is crucial for designing and troubleshooting. Visual diagrams/maps make it easier to comprehend complex database structures, facilitating better planning and communication among team members. These automatically generated diagrams save time and effort compared to manually creating entity relationship diagrams.

Secure Report Sharing

With DBCode, shared reports are encrypted. Encryption ensures that sensitive data is protected during sharing, reducing the risk of unauthorized access. Reports are shared via links rather than attachments. This feature helps to maintain compliance with data protection regulations by providing secure sharing mechanisms.


You can execute queries and document your findings in one place, maintaining a seamless workflow using the notebook feature in VSCode. DBCode supports this feature within the VSCode environment. Notebooks can be shared with colleagues, making collaborating on data analysis and reporting tasks easier. Combining code execution with documentation in notebooks maintains comprehensive records of database interactions and analyses.

Stored Procedures and Functions

With DBCode, users can develop, test, and modify stored procedures and functions without leaving the VSCode environment. You can also keep all database development activities within a single tool. This ensures consistency and reduces context switching. You further have direct access to editing facilitating easier debugging and iteration on stored procedures and functions.

Data Visualization

DBCode aids the graphical representation of your data to identify trends and patterns that might not be instantly visible from raw data. Users can tailor visualizations to meet specific needs, making it easier to communicate findings to different stakeholders. These visual tools allow for interactive data exploration, enabling users to uncover deeper insights. A variety of chart types like line, pie, and bar charts can be created and customized.

Setting up DBCode in VSCode


To guarantee a flawless installation of DBCode, two conditions must be met. First, ensure you have an active internet connection for the installation. Second, ensure you have access to the most recent version of VSCode. DBCode can only be installed via the Visual Studio Marketplace, which you can load from within the VSCode environment. This process ensures that the DBCode extension is properly integrated into your coding workspace.

To begin the installation, open your VSCode desktop. Navigate to the Extensions view by clicking the Extensions icon in the Activity Bar on the side of the window or by pressing Ctrl+Shift+X on Windows or Linux, or Cmd+Shift+X on macOS. In the Extensions view, type “DBCode” into the search bar. Locate the DBCode extension from the search results and click the ‘Install’ button. This action will download and install the DBCode extension directly within your VSCode environment. Once the installation is complete, DBCode will be activated and ready for use in your coding workspace.

To access DBCode functionalities within VSCode, you can click the database icon from the Activity Bar on the side of the window.

If you encounter any issues during installation, consider the following troubleshooting steps; check your internet connection, update your VSCode to the latest version, and review extension logs. To review extension logs, open the output panel in VSCode (‘View > Output’) or press Ctrl+Shift+U, and select “DBCode” from the drop-down menu to review any errors.

By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth installation and setup of the DBCode extension in VSCode, allowing you to manage your databases directly within your coding environment efficiently. Happy coding!