Written by: Temiloluwa Jokotola

Introducing VSCode: An Overview

Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined

Hey there, data and code enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into a tool that’s taking the development world by storm-Visual Studio Code, or VSCode for short. If you’re managing databases and looking for ways to make your life easier, keep reading. We’ll explore what makes VSCode awesome and how it can supercharge your work, especially when paired with DBCode.

What’s VSCode, Anyway?

In a nutshell, it’s a free code editor from Microsoft packed with features to help you write and manage code efficiently. Whether you’re on Windows, macOS, or Linux, VSCode has got you covered. It supports a ton of programming languages and is incredibly customisable.

Why You’ll Love VSCode

User-Friendly Interface

VSCode is super easy to use. It has a user-friendly interface and its clean layout helps you focus on your code without distractions. Plus, features like side-by-side editing let you view multiple files at once, making it easier to compare code or move between files without losing your place. The integrated terminal makes your workflow smoother by running command-line tasks directly from the editor, saving you the hassle of switching between windows.

Extensions Galore

The Extensions Marketplace is like a candy store for developers and database administrators. The marketplace is packed with add-ons that extend VSCode’s functionality. Want to support a new programming language? There’s an extension for that. Need tools for debugging, linting, or formatting your code? You’ll find plenty of options. Need extra functionality? Just grab an extension. There’s one for almost everything. These extensions let you customise VSCode to suit your specific needs, making it a highly versatile tool.

Built-in Git Support

Git is a version control system that helps you track changes in your code. VSCode has built-in Git integration, so you can commit, push, pull, and manage branches without leaving the editor. If you’re working with Git for version control (and who isn’t these days?), VSCode makes it a breeze. You can manage your repositories right from the editor without switching tools. This integration simplifies version control, making collaboration easier and helping you keep track of modifications made to your projects.

Smart Code Completion

VSCode’s IntelliSense feature provides smart suggestions as you type. It’s like having a coding buddy who never sleeps and always knows the right answer. It suggests code snippets, functions, and variable names as you type, based on the context of your current work. This feature speeds up coding by reducing typing errors and helping you remember function names and syntax.

Powerful Debugging

Troubleshooting your code is easier with VSCode’s robust debugging tools. Set breakpoints, inspect variables, and more-all from within the editor. You can see exactly where and why your code is breaking. Debugging becomes more straightforward, making it easier to identify and fix issues quickly.


Make VSCode your own with themes, custom keyboard shortcuts, and personalised settings. You can tweak VSCode to look and behave exactly how you want. Choose from a variety of themes to change the editor’s appearance, customise keyboard shortcuts for efficiency, and adjust settings to fit your workflow. This level of personalisation ensures that your coding environment is comfortable and tailored to your preferences. It’s your workspace, so make it comfortable!

Encourages Experimentation

Setting up different environments and trying out new tools is a breeze with VSCode. It’s perfect for testing new ideas without messing up your main setup.

Wrapping Up

VSCode is more than just a code editor-it’s a versatile tool that can transform how you manage databases. Its features and extensions, especially when used with DBCode, make it a must-have for database management enthusiasts. Whether you’re a database veteran or a newbie, VSCode has something to offer. Give it a try, work it out with DBCode and watch your productivity soar!