

  • Binary fields containing images now display thumbnails in the results.
  • String fields exceeding 500 characters are trimmed, displaying the total size at the end.
  • Tooltips added for all result columns with values longer than 200 characters/bytes.
  • Options to export all results, a selection, or selected rows.
  • Export results in various formats: CSV, Excel, SQL insert statements, JSON, XML, Markdown, or HTML.
  • Copy a selection or selected rows as text, CSV, SQL insert statements, SQL In Clause, JSON, XML, Markdown, or HTML.
  • Added the ability to duplicate rows when editing results.
  • Context menu includes options to add, duplicate, and delete rows if the results are editable.



  • Marketplace listing colors.
  • Number rounding on tab badges.



  • SQLite support added.
  • Added option to explore with a sample database.


  • The results table now better aligns with the VS Code theme.
  • Fixed an issue where editing stored procedures incorrectly indicated an error had occurred.
  • MySQL did not correctly handle integers bigger than the javascript limit.



  • MongoDB support added (table loading, data editing completed, work continues on executing arbitrary statements).
  • Added data type to column headers.
  • Trimmed large data in binary cells to show first 50 characters, and total size.
  • Added output channel and logging of connection and tunnel events.



  • Added a key binding (Ctrl/Cmd+d Ctrl/Cmd+c) to select/change connection of the current file.


  • Improved the rendering performance for large result sets (1M+ rows).
  • MySQL/Maria was showing undefined in the statusbar for schema.
  • MySQL/Maria was not showing correct number of rows updated for insert, update and delete statements.
  • Geometry and Geography data types in results caused the results not to show.
  • Dates with timezones are now displayed with timezone indicators to reflect their true format in the database.