Set up a new database connection, link a cloud provider, or explore with the sample database included in the DBCode extension.
Update and modify existing database connection settings in DBCode to keep your connections up-to-date and working efficiently.
Connect to Your Database with VSCode
Quickly connect to an existing database using a saved connection in DBCode for easy and efficient access.
Refresh your database connection in DBCode to load the latest structure changes without needing to reconnect.
Create a duplicate of an existing database connection in DBCode, allowing you to reuse connection settings or make slight modifications without starting from scratch.
Organize and manage multiple database connections by grouping them in DBCode for better navigation and a more organized workspace.
Set custom colors for your database connections in DBCode to differentiate between connections and reduce errors when navigating multiple tabs.
Permanently remove a database connection from DBCode when it is no longer needed.
Auto SSL
SSL is automatically configured for known hosts to ensure secure connections.
SSH Tunnels
Securely connect to your remote databases using SSH tunnels.
Zero Config
Automatically add database connections found in .env and web.config files, or supported .db files.