
MySQL is a widely used, open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that provides a robust and reliable foundation for building and running complex applications. It is designed to be scalable, reliable, and secure, with a focus on performance and ease of use.


To connect to MySQL, follow these general steps:

  1. Open the DBCode Extension: Launch Visual Studio Code and open the DBCode extension.
  2. Add a New Connection: Click on the “Add Connection” icon.
  3. Complete new connection form: Choose MySQL as the type, and enter the required information.
  4. Connect: Click save to connect to your MySQL database.
  5. Start Managing Your Databases: Once connected, you can start managing your databases directly from Visual Studio Code.

For detailed instructions on connecting to MySQL, refer to the Connect article.

Connect Multiple Databases

A number of cloud providers offer MySQL as a service. To connect to a cloud provider and access multiple databases, follow these general steps:

  1. Open the DBCode Extension: Launch Visual Studio Code and open the DBCode extension.
  2. Add a New Connection: Click on the “Add Connection” icon.
  3. Select Your Provider: Choose the cloud provider from the list on the right.
  4. Authenticate: Follow the authentication process specific to the provider.
  5. Start Managing Your Databases: Once connected, you can start managing your databases directly from Visual Studio Code.

For detailed instructions on connecting to MySQL, refer to the Connect a Cloud Provider article.

By using MySQL with DBCode, you can connect to your MySQL databases, query and manage your data, and visualize your results, all directly from Visual Studio Code.

For more information about MySQL, check out MySQL.