Entity Relationship Diagram
View Entity Relationship Diagrams for related tables.
Select a Database
Start by selecting a database connection from the DB Explorer.
Choose the desired database.
Access the Entity Relationship Diagram
Hover over Tables in the database menu.
Right-click to open the context menu, then select Entity Relationship Diagram.
A new tab will open, displaying the Entity Relationship Diagram. You can adjust the layout of the diagram by dragging tables to reorganize the view.
Save as PNG or PDF
Once the Entity Relationship Diagram is open, look for the Save as PNG and Save as PDF buttons on the top right corner of the diagram.
Click on either Save as PNG or Save as PDF as per your requirement.
Save as PDF: This will download a PDF version of the entire diagram, suitable for printing or sharing.
Save as PNG: This option will save the diagram as a high-resolution PNG image, which can be easily embedded into documents or presentations.
Select the desired location on your device to save the file, and click Save.
You now have your Entity Relationship Diagram saved in the preferred format for easy access and sharing.