BINARY, in SQL, is a data type used to store binary data specifically such as images, files, etc. The maximum length of BINARY values is 255 bytes. It is most often used when there is a need to store binary data and retrieve it in the exact representation. It holds fixed-length data and pads any remaining space, if the data is smaller than the specified length, with zeroes.
- m: This parameter defines the length of the binary string. The length can be a value from 0 to 255, and it determines the maximum number of bytes required for storing the binary string. If the input binary string is less than M bytes, it is padded with trailing zeros to match the specified length.
This SQL command is comparing the binary values of ‘A’ and ‘a’. In binary comparison, case sensitivity matters, hence the output is ‘0’ (False), indicating that ‘A’ and ‘a’ are not considered equal because one is uppercase and the other is lowercase.
BINARY [ ( length ) ]
- length: This defines the length of the binary string. It is an integer value specifying the number of bytes. The length can be a value from 1 through 8,000.
In this given example, BINARY is used to transform the string ‘SQL Server’ into a binary string. The result is the same ‘SQL Server’ text that was input, but it is now stored as binary data. The BINARY keyword is useful for equality comparisons, ordering of data, as well as storing large fixed-length binary values.
- value: This argument is the input for the BINARY_FLOAT or BINARY_DOUBLE function in Oracle. It represents the number that will be converted to either the binary float or binary double data type. It could be a constant, variable, or column that contains numeric data.
In the example provided, the string ‘Hello’ is converted into binary data utilizing the CAST
function in SQL. The binary output corresponds with ‘Hello’ padded with spaces up to 10 places.
- x: Specifies the length of the binary string. This is the number of bytes that can be stored in this string. For SQLite, this should be a positive integer.
- y: SQLite does not use this parameter. In other database management systems, this parameter might define the display width of the binary string.
In SQLite, the BINARY keyword is used to indicate that the stored value has binary data type. In the given example, the CREATE TABLE
statement creates a table named temp
with a single column data
which is of type BINARY(5)
. It indicates that the data
column can hold up to 5 bytes of binary data. The INSERT INTO
statement is used to insert a string ‘Hello’ into the data
column. The SELECT * FROM temp
then retrieves all records from the temp