KILL is a command in SQL used to stop a running process. It sends a termination signal to a process in the system, identified by the process ID, bringing the execution of the process to an immediate halt. It is most commonly used to terminate processes that are unresponsive or are causing undesirable effects on the database's performance.
The SQL code below demonstrates how to use the “KILL” command.
The result of the “SHOW PROCESSLIST” command might look like this:
After the “KILL” command, you would get no output:
The “SHOW PROCESSLIST” statement lists the current MySQL server threads. Each row displays information about a thread. The “KILL” statement is used to terminate a specific thread. In this scenario, the thread with id 1234 is terminated. Note that only users with SUPER privilege can use this statement to kill threads.
This command does not produce an output.
statement in SQL Server is utilized to terminate a specific session or task. In the provided example, KILL 54;
would terminate the session or task with the session ID of 54. Notice that there is no output from this command - if the session or task is successfully terminated, the command completes without error.
This code first identifies the session ID (sid) and serial number (serial#) of a specific user (in this case, ‘SCOTT’). The ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION command is then used to terminate the session associated with these identifiers. The output displays the session ID and serial number, and confirms that the system command has successfully altered the system.