LEAVE is a SQL statement, which provides an exit mechanism from a block of statements enclosed within BEGIN..END in stored programs (procedures, functions, triggers, or events). It is used to exit from looped control structures, i.e., LOOP, REPEAT, WHILE, or more generally, a labeled compound statement block.
DECLARE variable_name INT;DECLARE exit handler FOR NOT FOUND SET variable_name = 1;START TRANSACTION; SELECT * FROM table_name; IF variable_name = 1 THEN ROLLBACK; LEAVE proc_name; END IF;COMMIT;
No output will be displayed if the condition is met and the LEAVE statement is executed.
This example represents a transaction using the LEAVE statement in a stored procedure named proc_name
. Initially variable_name
is declared, also an exit handler is declared which sets variable_name = 1
if a NOT FOUND situation occurs.
Then, it starts a transaction and it selects data from table_name
. If the variable_name = 1
condition is met (which is possible if NOT FOUND situation occurred), it rolls back the transaction and using the LEAVE statement, control is immediately transferred out of the procedure proc_name
. Therefore, no output will be displayed if the LEAVE statement is executed.
BEGIN TRANSACTION;BEGIN TRY -- Generate a constraint violation error. DELETE FROM Production.Product WHERE ProductID = 980;END TRYBEGIN CATCH -- Test XACT_STATE: -- If 1, the transaction is committable. -- If -1, the transaction is uncommittable and should -- be rolled back. -- XACT_STATE = 0 means that there is no transaction and -- a commit or rollback operation would generate an error.
SELECT CASE XACT_STATE() WHEN 1 THEN 'The transaction is committable.' WHEN -1 THEN 'The transaction is uncommittable. Rolling back transaction.' ROLLBACK TRANSACTION; WHEN 0 THEN 'There is no transaction.' END; END CATCH;
The transaction is uncommittable. Rolling back transaction.
The provided example demonstrates the use of the T-SQL XACT_STATE
function within the CATCH
block of a TRY...CATCH
construct. The XACT_STATE
function returns a value indicating whether the current request has an active user transaction, and whether that transaction is capable of being committed. If XACT_STATE
returns -1, the transaction is uncommittable and the code initiates a rollback. If XACT_STATE
returns 1, the transaction may be committed, and if XACT_STATE
returns 0, there is no active transaction. The output message reflects these conditions.
DECLARE my_number NUMBER := 5;BEGIN LOOP my_number := my_number - 1; IF my_number = 2 THEN LEAVE; END IF; END LOOP; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (my_number);END;/
In the above SQL block, a loop decreases the value of the my_number
variable by 1 at each iteration. As dictated by the IF statement, when my_number
equals to 2, the LEAVE statement will be executed, hence exiting the loop, and printing 2
to the DBMS output.